
Getting more theatre for your bucks

Getting more theatre for your bucks

Stagetext has produced a new film featuring deaf, deafened and hard of hearing theatregoers talking about their experience of captioning. 

Getting More Theatre For Your Bucks aims to raise awareness of captioned performances among the many thousands of audience members who find they miss what’s being said or sung, but who don’t know that captioning is available and how it might help them get more enjoyment out of seeing a show.

Caption users talk about the sheer enjoyment of being able to follow everything that’s happening on stage – laughing at the jokes along with everyone else instead of feeling excluded, and the thrill of sharing a trip to the theatre again with their family and friends.

“It makes me just feel young again.  Instead of being 80, I’m back to 30 and it’s wonderful!” says one lady.

The subtitled film can be found on the Stagetext YouTube channel here.

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