All the time we invested. In him. All the money. All the games we went to. The basis of our entire friendship… LeBron for the win. LeBron for the win…
The fortunes of the Cavaliers are about to change: the great LeBron James, the biggest star in basketball, is coming to Cleveland. But when superfan Matt’s latest business venture turns sour, he has to sell his most prized possession – his pair of Cavs season tickets. The buyer, Shawn, just sold his first short story – so watching his team in the flesh for the first time will be a sweet reward. Now just to figure out what to do with that second ticket…
Thrown together by chance, the next 12 years prove as defining, dramatic, and sometimes heart-breaking for Matt and Shawn as they do for the Cavs – and for ‘King’ Lebron James.
Multi-award-winner Rajiv Joseph returns to Hampstead with a play-by-play look at how friendship and supporting a team intersect. His plays include Describe the Night (Hampstead), Guards at the Taj (Bush) and Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo (Broadway).
Alice Hamilton, Hampstead Theatre’s Associate Director, directs. Her credits include The Harmony Test, Out Of Season, Every Day I Make Greatness Happen and Nineteen Gardens Downstairs, as well as The Dumb Waiter and The Memory of Water on the Main Stage.
King James
King James
This show has multiple captioned performances, to see other dates in the run click here
