Royal Society of Arts (RSA)
Wed 29 Nov 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Inclusive Work, Disability & Ageing Network Event: Creating an inclusive and accessible labour market image

Join a discussion between RSA Fellows, who have developed proposals to improve flexible working and a new Workplace Health Service, and representatives of the disability sections of political parties.
Skills shortages and issues of social exclusion and labour market participation are moving up the political and policy agendas. In the run-up to a UK general election, political parties are turning their attention to questions of older people’s and disabled people’s employment as some of the areas to enable and sustain a diverse workforce.
– In tackling these issues, what are the changes that need to happen in the way employment is designed and organised for greater inclusivity?
– How can we change the age and ability narratives and what else needs to change?
– What models of practice exist to build upon and how can we identify and join up more?
– What are the potential benefits for individuals, employers and government and how can they be effectively realised?
– How can we influence political parties to include meaningful proposals in their manifestos?
This event is led by the RSA Inclusive Work, Disability and Ageing Network – an RSA Fellowship Network which aims to bring together people from different perspectives and backgrounds to explore and progress an inclusive future of work.
We welcome all who are interested from anywhere in the world, within and beyond our RSA Fellowship community.