Signature are a charitable deaf organisation who work tirelessly to improve communication, and as part of their 40th-year celebrations they have shortlisted Stagetext for their Hall of Fame.
Our Chief Executive, Melanie Sharpe, reflects on being shortlisted:
“We’re incredibly proud here at Stagetext to be included in the list of prestigious names that have been shortlisted for Signature’s Hall of Fame.
“We’re a very small charity but are supported by a network of hard-working freelancers and passionate audiences of deaf, deafened, and hard of hearing arts lovers, all of whom are integral to our charity.
“It may sound cliché to say, ‘the work itself is reward enough’, but with Stagetext that is the truth. Seeing families and friends having the chance to watch the latest West End shows together thanks to captions or having people’s curiosity satisfied at live subtitled tours in museums and galleries is what drives Stagetext forward.
“However, when an organisation such as Signature, who do so much great work for the deaf community themselves, recognises your work, it really is an honour. Especially when we are shortlisted side-by-side with the hardest working people and organisations in deaf communications.
“We’re very much looking forward to the announcement and the event this November, good luck to everyone involved, we can’t wait to celebrate with you.”
To find out more about the event and see who Stagetext are shortlisted with please visit: